What we do. Contact us Renewable energy insurance > Protecting our future We deal with leading insurers in the delivery of innovative insurance products > Construction & engineering insurance > A fresh approach AMI’s Construction & Engineering team is highly experienced in placing projects of all sizes > Cyber insurance > Peace of mind As the world evolves advancements in technology, the ways in which business is conducted and their associated risks do too > Surety & guarantee > Providing you with certainty AMI Speciality have exceptional relationships with the international Surety market > Carbon credit insurance > the global drive towards net zero emissions At AMI Specialty, we understand the critical role carbon credits play in the global drive towards net zero emissions > Captive management > We are involved now in developing captive solutions and feasibility studies for captive insurance vehicles and have a partner who provides the process to license, form and seek regulatory approval for such companies in both Bermuda and Guernsey > ATE insurance > Shield Your Legal Endeavours Choosing the right ATE insurance policy requires insight and experience. Trust AMI Specialty to guide you through the intricacies of the ATE insurance market and secure the coverage that aligns with your litigation objectives >